Regas Square
This new Mixed-Use Building includes 20,000 s.f. of 101 condominium units and is located next to the Historic Regas Restaurant.
The full block project design creates a true urban environment by providing extra wide sidewalks with planting, walking, and outdoor seating/retail spaces. Pedestrian scale lighting and trees will further enhance the streetscape. Ample 20’ high store fronts surrounding the retail spaces at the public sidewalks.
The Residential upper 5 stories facade is designed utilizing brick and metal panels, and is undulated in a manner to break down the large mass of this building into the well defined zones of the living spaces, outdoor balconies, and bedrooms. The brick horizontal banding and lighter brick top floors further break down the massing while maintaining a unified project architecture.
A private residential use second floor Common Courtyard is accessed off of the Club Room and Fitness Center spaces, offering expansive views to Downtown Knoxville. The Project has one level of underground parking under the entire building, and two additional levels of above grade parking tucked behind the 2 story tall retail spaces.